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Conexio Care and Coras Grand Opening

Conexio and CORAS’s grand opening of their new state-of-art facility in Delaware represents a significant step to improving access to behavioral health services in the state. The building provides integrated substance abuse and behavioral health treatment services. Services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each person, with a focus on evidence-based care.

One of the primary benefits of the new facility is that it provides a single point of access to all levels of care. This means that people can start at any level of care and then progress as needed. The facility also has a wraparound care team that offers a spectrum of services, ranging from primary care to children’s and family-based services.

Outpatient clinics, Opioid Treatment Programs, and Intensive Outpatient Programs are also available at the facility.

This new facility is a much-needed addition to the state of Delaware. Behavioral health services are in high demand, and there is a significant unmet need for these services. The opening of this new facility will help address this need and provide people with the care they need.

Conexio Care and CORAS: Making Behavioral Health More Accessible in Delaware

Our Grand Opening

The grand opening was a festive event that celebrated the beginning of the new facility with Lt. Governor as a guest speaker for the ribbon cutting—hoping to employ more than 900 people in the state and provide services to the state’s marginalized population in the process. There were about 200 people in attendance for the event, which included food trucks and the introductory statement from Inperium Founder and CEO, among other things.

Who Conexio Care and CORAS Are:

Conexio Care, Inc. and CORAS Behavioral Health and Wellness, LLC were formed to acquire certain assets from Connections Community Support Programs (CCSP), one of the largest mental health and substance abuse providers in Delaware at the time of the formation of the companies. In terms of size and staff, CCSP was only second to Christiana Care Hospital System, the largest. It provided mental health, substance use disorder, and intellectual/developmental services to more than 15,000 Delaware residents. It also offered residential treatment, supportive housing and education programs, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to those in need of treatment.

Conexio Care, Inc. and Coras Programs Include:

  • Residential, Day and Supported Employment Services for Individuals with DD/ID
  • Group Homes for Individuals with a Mental Illness
  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams for Individuals with a Mental Illness
  • Community Reintegration Service Program (CRISP) for Individuals transitioning from the Delaware State Psychiatric Hospital
  • Peer Services for Individuals with a Mental Illness
  • Permanent, Supportive, and Affordable Housing
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Clinics for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  • Residential Treatment Programs for Individuals with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  • Sober Living Facilities for Individuals with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  • Family Planning Services
  • Child and Family Services (Outpatient and Family Based Services)
  • Engagement Programs with Christiana Care Hospital System

In Conclusion

Conexio Care, Inc. and CORAS Behavioral Health and Wellness, LLC were formed to acquire certain assets from Connections Community Support Programs (CCSP), one of the largest mental health and substance abuse providers in Delaware at the time of the formation of the companies. In terms of size and staff, CCSP was only second to Christiana Care Hospital System, the largest. It provided mental health, substance use disorder, and intellectual/developmental services to more than 15,000 Delaware residents. It also offered residential treatment, supportive housing and education programs, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to those in need of treatment.

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