• Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 4:30
  • 120 Prospect Street, Reading, PA 19606
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Corporate Analysis

  • Company: Advancing Opportunities
  • Founded: 1950
  • Category: Non-Profit
  • Location: Ewing, New Jersey
  • Year of Affiliation: 2018
  • Annual Revenue 17 Million


Advancing Opportunities, Inc., is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization providing services and supports to people with disabilities and their families so they can live independently.  Recognized as one of the leading disability service providers in the state of New Jersey, the agency is committed to person-centered services delivered in the community. Advancing Opportunities, Inc. traces its roots to United Cerebral Palsy Associations of New Jersey, Inc., an organization formed by a group of parent advocates in 1950. Its mission was to help each other cope with the daily challenges their families faced having a member with a disability. In 2001, the agency changed its name to Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey. In 2008, the agency changed its name again to reflect the fact that it provides supports to people with all types of disabilities and creates a wide array of possibilities.


  • Act as a guide through the evaluation process
  • Monitor progress
  • Provide technical assistance for filing complaint investigations through the New Jersey Department of Education
  • Assist with mediation
  • Provide information on services, modifications, and technology the district may not be aware of or share with a parent
  • Obtain outcome-oriented transitional services, according to IDEA guidelines
  • Attend IEP meetings
  • Perform strategic planning
  • Write letters


Who Is Eligible?

Services are available to families with children who meet the criteria for developmentally or intellectually disabled, at no cost to families. To find out if you child is eligible, contact the Department of Children and Families’ Children’s System of Care, at 1-877-652-7624.

For more information about working with one of Advancing Opportunities’ Special Education Advocates, call us at 888-322-1918.

Payroll Assistance

In the event that cash flow becomes and issue
we assist with maintaining the fiscal issues.


We assist in settling all past legal issues
with our corporate attorneys.

Employee Stability

We partner with you and your vision so your
employees and executives are vital to us.

How We Helped and What were the Post Affiliation
Financial Actions & Results:

  1. Negotiated the termination of two unnecessary leases.
  2. Paid off the lines of credit $995,000.
  3. Paid off mortgages of $1,400,000.
  4. AO Repaid the $400,000 loan from Inperium.
  5. All State advances were settled.
  6. Opening three new group homes to increase revenues and serve the adult DDD population.
  7. Net Assets: Audited 9/30/2018= $2,715,280, Audited 9/30/ 2019= $1,268,737.Unaudited 9/30 2020= $1,747,223
  8. Today AO is viable financially and serving the population according to its mission.

Apis Contribution to AO

Human Resources
Financial Planning
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